
What is heel pain?

Heel pain is a common problem that can be caused by a number of different things. The most common cause of heel pain is plantar fasciitis, which is when the Plantar fascia – a band of tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot – becomes inflamed. Other causes of heel pain include Achilles tendonitis, heel spurs, nerve entrapment and stress fractures. If you are experiencing heel pain, it is important to see a podiatrist or other healthcare professional to find out the cause and get appropriate treatment.

There are many different treatments for heel pain, depending on the underlying cause. Common treatments include stretching exercises, orthotics (custom-made shoe inserts), icing, rest and over-the-counter pain medication. In more severe cases, corticosteroid injections or surgery may be necessary. Foot mobilisation combined with strengthening exercises can also be effective in treating heel pain.

Common causes of heel pain

Plantar Fasciitis: heel pain caused by the plantar fascia- a band of tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot- becoming inflamed.

Achilles Tendonitis: heel pain caused by the Achilles tendon- the tendon that connects the heel to the calf muscle- becoming inflamed.

Heel Spurs: heel pain caused by a bony growth on the heel bone.

Nerve Entrapment: heel pain caused by a nerve in the foot becoming trapped or compressed.

Stress Fractures- heel pain caused by a small crack in the heel bone.

Treatment for heel pain

Depending on the underlying cause, there are many different treatments for heel pain. Common treatments include:

Stretching Exercises: to lengthen the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon.

Orthotics: custom-made shoe inserts that support the arch of the foot and help to relieve heel pain.

Icing: to reduce inflammation and pain.

Rest: to allow the heel to heal.

Over-the-counter Medication: such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen to reduce pain and inflammation.

Corticosteroid Injections: to reduce inflammation.

Surgery: in severe cases when other treatments have failed.

Foot Mobilisation with Strengthening Exercises: can be effective in treating heel pain.

What is the cause of my heel pain?

The two major underlying causes of heel pain and plantar fasciitis :

  1. The way you stand and walk. This can cause the heel to become irritated and inflamed. This causes micro tears at the attachment point of the plantar fasciitis which bleed and get sore.
  2. There are also other causes such as heel spurs, nerve entrapment and stress fractures but these are e second most common is tight calves muscles – the calves attaches to the plantar fascia via the bottom of the heel. The calves is such a big strong muscle that if it is tight it increases tension through the attachment at the heel via the plantar fascia and can increase the micro tearing. This is a big reason people get morning pain associated with heel pain and plantar fasciitis. When you sleep the muscle relax and the inflammation subsides a bit but as soon as you put weight through it in the morning it all comes back.  Daniel talks about this more in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLsXUFhWVQE

How can I get rid of heel pain?

The first step is always to see your local podiatrist to get an accurate diagnosis of what is causing your heel pain. From there they will be able to put together a treatment plan that is specific to you and your needs. Some of the most common treatments for heel pain include:

  • Stretching exercises
  • Orthotics (custom made shoe inserts)
  • Icing

How can I treat my heel pain?

There are many different treatments for heel pain, depending on the underlying cause. Common treatments include stretching exercises, orthotics (custom-made shoe inserts), icing, rest and over-the-counter pain medication. In more severe cases, corticosteroid injections or surgery may be necessary. Foot mobilisation combined with strengthening exercises can also be effective in treating heel pain.

Laser therapy is also an effective heel pain treatment, as it can help to reduce inflammation and pain. If you are suffering from heel pain, don’t wait to seek treatment. The sooner you get help, the sooner you can start feeling better. Contact your podiatrist today to find out what treatment options are available to you. heel pain is a common problem, but there is no need to suffer. With the right diagnosis and treatment plan, you can get back to your life pain-free. Get started on the road to recovery today!

If you are experiencing heel pain, make an appointment At Sydney Foot Solutions, we offer a range of different treatment options for Heel pain, depending on the severity of the condition.

Benefits of our treatment for heel pain and plantar fasciitis

  • No surgery
  • Keep wearing a variety of shoes
  • No orthotics
  • Keep being active through treatment
  • Cost effective
  • Gentle and doesn’t hurt
  • long term beneficial
  • No cortisone
  • Offer laser therapy which gives strong pain relief

If you think you might have heel pain, don’t delay in seeking treatment.

Our number is 89669300 or visit our website https://sydneyfootsolutions.com.au/contact/booking/

We are offering a 65% off Expert Heel pain assessment for just $35. Usually fee is $100. Give us a call 8966 9300 or email [email protected]