As a result, not only are we one of the busiest practices in Australia, but many people travel long distances to consult us. In fact, we did an internal audit and found that over 45 per cent of our patients travelled for over 45 minutes to see us. We also constantly receive enquires about our services from all over the world.
Given that we are one of only a few practices to specialise in this area, it’s not surprising that many people ask, ‘If this is so good, why doesn’t anyone else do it?’ To be perfectly honest, I don’t know — you would have to ask other practitioners. Another question that we are often asked, is, ‘Where’s the evidence?’
This is a fair question, but it’s funny that the person asking it might not ask a similar question when getting orthotics. Mobilisation therapy is very widely practised around the world and the benefits it has for our bodies are well documented; however, orthotic prescription is much more widely spread, even though there’s actually far less evidence to support what many orthotic practitioners are doing. In no way am I implying that orthotics should not be prescribed, but their prescription, like that for many foot treatments, depends on the needs of the patient.
If you are a sceptic, or would just like to know more about foot mobilisation, this offer is for you — for the next month, we are offering a free assessment. Give us a call on (02) 8966 9300 to make a booking at either our city or our Manly practice.
Foot Mobilisation and Manipulation Reference List
These articles support what we do at Sydney Foot Solutions.
ALBURQUERQUE-SENDÍN, F., FERNÁNDEZ-DE-LAS-PEÑAS, C., SANTOS-DEL-REY, M. & MARTÍN-VALLEJO, F. J. 2009. Immediate effects of bilateral manipulation of talocrural joints on standing stability in healthy subjects. Manual Therapy, 14, 75-80.
ANDERSEN, S., FRYER, G. A. & MCLAUGHLIN, P. 2003. The effect of talo-crural joint manipulation on range of motion at the ankle joint in subjects with a history of ankle injury. Australasian Chiropractic & Osteopathy, 11, 57-62.
BEAZELL, J. R., GRINDSTAFF, T. L., SAUER, L. D., MAGRUM, E. M., INGERSOLL, C. D. & HERTEL, J. 2012. Effects of a proximal or distal tibiofibular joint manipulation on ankle range of motion and functional outcomes in individuals with chronic ankle instability. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 42, 125-34.
BIALOSKY, J. E., BISHOP, M. D., PRICE, D. D., ROBINSON, M. E. & GEORGE, S. Z. 2009. The mechanisms of manual therapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain: a comprehensive model. Manual therapy, 14, 531-8.
BRANTINGHAM, J. W., GUIRY, S., KRETZMANN, H. H., KITE, V. J. & GLOBE, G. 2005. A pilot study of the efficacy of a conservative chiropractic protocol using graded mobilization, manipulation and ice in the treatment of symptomatic hallux abductovalgus bunion. Clinical Chiropractic, 8, 117-133.
CHO, B., KO, T. & LEE, D. 2012a. Effect of ankle joint mobilization on range of motion and functional balance of elderly adults. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 24, 331-333.
CHO, M., GONG, W. & JU, S. 2012b. Immediate effcts on dorsiflexion of gong’s mobilization applied to ankle joints. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 24, 315-317.
CLELAND, J. A., ABBOTT, J. H., KIDD, M. O., STOCKWELL, S., CHENEY, S., GERRARD, D. F. & FLYNN, T. W. 2009. Manual physical therapy and exercise versus electrophysical agents and exercise in the management of plantar heel pain: a multicenter randomized clinical trial. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 39, 573-85.
COLLINS, N., TEYS, P. & VICENZINO, B. 2004. The initial effects of a Mulligan’s mobilization with movement technique on dorsiflexion and pain in subacute ankle sprains. Manual Therapy, 9, 77-82.
DI FABIO, R. 1992. Efficacy of Manual Therapy. Physical Therapy, 72, 853-864.
DIJS, H. M., ROOFTHOOFT, J. M., DRIESSENS, M. F., DE BOCK, P. G., JACOBS, C. & VAN ACKER, K. L. 2000. Effect of physical therapy on limited joint mobility in the diabetic foot. A pilot study. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 90, 126-32.
DIMOU, E., BRANTINGHAM, J. W. & WOOD, T. 2004. A randomized, controlled trial (with blinded observer) of chiropractic manipulation and achilles stretching vs. orthotics for the treatment of plantar fasciitis. Journal of the American Chiropractic Association, 41, 32-42.
DISHMAN, J. 2000. Spinal reflex attenuation associated with spinal manipulation. Spine, 25, 2519-2525.
DU PLESSIS, M., ZIPFEL, B., BRANTINGHAM, J. W., PARKIN-SMITH, G. F., BIRDSEY, P., GLOBE, G. & CASSA, T. K. 2011. Manual and manipulative therapy compared to night splint for symptomatic hallux abducto valgus: an exploratory randomised clinical trial. Foot, 21, 71-8.
EISENHART, A., GAETA, T. & YENS, D. 2003. Osteopathic manipulative treatment in the emergency department for patients with acute ankle injuries. Journal of the American Osteopathy Aoociation, 103, 417-421.
EVANS, D. W. 2002. Mechanisms and effects of spinal high-velocity, low-amplitude thrust manipulation: Previous theories. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics, 25, 251-262.
EVANS, D. W. & BREEN, A. C. 2006. A biomechanical model for mechanically efficient cavitation production during spinal manipulation: prethrust position and the neutral zone. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics, 29, 72-82.
FRYER, G. A., MUDGE, J. M. & MCLAUGHLIN, P. A. 2002. The effect of talocrural joint manipulation on range of motion at the ankle. Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics, 25, 384-90.
GOVENDER, N., KRETZMANN, H., PRICE, J., BRANTINGHAM, J. W. & GLOBE, G. 2007. A single-blinded randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial of manipulation and mobilization in the treatment of morton’s neuroma. Journal of the American Chiropractic Association, 44, 8-18.
GREEN, T., REFSHAUGE, K., CROSBIE, J. & ADAMS, R. 2001. A randomised controlled trial of a passive accessory joint mobilization on acute ankle inversion sprains. Physical THerapy, 81, 984-994.
HENGEVELD, E., BANKS, K. & MAITLAND, G. 2005. Maitland’s Peripheral Manipulation, Elsevier Buttrworth Heinenmann.
HOCH, M. C. 2011. The effect of joint mobilization on functional outcomes associated with chronic ankle instability. Ph.D., University of Kentucky.
HOCH, M. C. & MCKEON, P. O. 2011. Joint mobilization improves spatiotemporal postural control and range of motion in those with chronic ankle instability. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 29, 326-32.
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JEDYNAK, T. 2012. An inroduction to the principles of foot mobilisation techniques. Podiatry Now, Jan, 10-13.
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KÖHNE, E., JONES, A., KORPORAAL, C., PRICE, J. L., BRANTINGHAM, J. W. & GLOBE, G. 2007. A prospective, single-blinded, randomized, controlled clinical trial of the effects of manipulation on proprioception and ankle dorsiflexion in chronic recurrent ankle sprain. Journal of the American Chiropractic Association, 44, 7-17.
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LANDRUM, E. L., KELLN, B. M., PARENTE, W. R., INGERSOLL, C. D. & HERTEL, J. 2008. Immediate effects of anterior-to-posterior talocrural joint mobilization after prolonged ankle immobilization: a preliminary study. Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy (Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy), 16, 100-105.
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LÓPEZ-RODRÍGUEZ, S., DE-LAS-PEÑAS, C. F., ALBURQUERQUE-SENDÍN, F., RODRÍGUEZ-BLANCO, C. & PALOMEQUE-DEL-CERRO, L. 2007. Immediate effects of manipulation of the talocrural joint on stabilometry and baropodometry in patients with ankle sprain. Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics, 30, 186-192.
MCLEAN, S., NAISH, R., REED, L., URRY, S. & VICENZINO, B. 2002. A pilot syudy of the manual force levels required to produce manipulation induced hypoalgesia. Clinical Biomechanics, 17, 304-308.
MENZ, H. 1998. Manipulative therapy of the foot and ankle: science or mesmerism? The Foot, 8, 68-74.
PELLOW, J. E. & BRANTINGHAM, J. W. 2001. The efficacy of adjusting the ankle in the treatment of subacute and chronic grade I and grade II ankle inversion sprains. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics, 24, 17-24.
PERTILLE, A., MACEDO, A. B., VIEIRA, RÊGO, E. M., DE FIGUEIREDO, D., NEGRI, J. R. & TEODORI, R. M. 2012. Immediate Effects of Bilateral Grade III Mobilization of the Talocrural Joint on the Balance of Elderly Women. Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics, 35, 549-555.
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SCHMID, A., BRUNNER, F., WRIGHT, A. & BACHMANN, L. M. 2008. Paradigm shift in manual therapy? Evidence for a central nervous system component in the response to passive cervical joint mobilisation. Manual therapy, 13, 387-96.
SHAMUS, J., SHAMUS, E., GUGEL, R., BRUCKER, B. & SKARUPPA, C. 2004. The effect of sesamoid mobilization, flexor hallucis strengthening, and gait retraining on reduced pain and restoring function in individuals with hallux limitus: A clinical trial. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 34, 368-376.
TEIXEIRA, L. M., PIRES, T., SILVA, R. D. & ANTôNIO 2013. Immediate Effect of a Single Anteroposterior Talus Mobilization on Dorsiflexion Range of Motion in Participants With Orthopedic Dysfunction of the Ankle and Foot. Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics, 36, 369-375.
THRELKELD, J. 1992. The effects of manual therapy on connective tissue. Physical Therapy, 72, 893-902.
TRUYOLS-DOMÍNGUEZ, S., SALOM-MORENO, J., ABIAN-VICEN, J., CLELAND, J. A. & FERNÁNDEZ-DE-LAS-PEÑAS, C. 2013. Efficacy of Thrust and Nonthrust Manipulation and Exercise With or Without the Addition of Myofascial Therapy for the Management of Acute Inversion Ankle Sprain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 43, 300-309.
VAILLANT, J., ROULAND, A., MARTIGNÉ, P., BRAUJOU, R., NISSEN, M. J., CAILLAT-MIOUSSE, J., VUILLERME, N., NOUGIER, V. & JUVIN, R. 2009. Massage and mobilization of the feet and ankles in elderly adults: effect on clinical balance performance. Manual Therapy, 14, 661-664.
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VICENZINO, B., BRANJERDPORN, M., TEYS, P. & JORDAN, K. 2006. Initial changes in posterior talar glide and dorsiflexion of the ankle after mobilization with movement in individuals with recurrent ankle sprain. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 36, 464-71.
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