

Are you concerned that your high heels are damaging your feet and causing you pain and other foot-related issues? If so, this article is for you.

If you walk around Sydney CBD at any given time, day or night — on the street, in offices, shops, restaurants or nightclubs — you will see many women in high heels.  You’ll also often hear about how they love their heels but hate the pain they cause.

Here at Sydney Foot Solutions, we understand that while a lot of our patients either want or need to wear heels, they often blame these heels for their foot pain or other issues, such as bunions. They are wrong.  We do admit that while ill-fitting shoes will exacerbate some symptoms, high heels are rarely ever the direct cause of foot pain.

So what is? Your pain and foot issues are caused by a misalignment of the bones and joints within your feet. So often, women come to us frustrated at having being told to stop wearing heels or to fit orthotics to their shoes, which, let’s be honest, just isn’t possible with high heels. At Sydney Foot Solutions, we know feet, but we also understand a woman’s desire and, for some, her need to wear high-heeled shoes. We help women achieve this desire without harming their feet.

The problem is that traditional treatments for foot pain generally involve orthotics, which don’t address the underlying cause, are not corrective long-term, and don’t fit into any stylish shoes. We specialise in foot mobilisation therapy, which allows us to address the intrinsic underlying cause so that your foot is constantly corrected —seven days a week, 24 hours a day. In this way, over the last 15 years, we have been able to help thousands of women to wear the shoes they love without the need for orthotics.

If you want to wear your high heels without pain — act now!

We are offering a free assessment to the first 10 people who work in Sydney CBD and who book an assessment in the next month. (You must mention this article at the time of booking.) To make a booking, call 8072 7278 for the city or 8966 9300 for Manly. Alternatively, check out our website at www.alternativefootsolutions.com.au