
What Causes Bunions?

Bunions are caused primarily by the way that someone walks and stands. This is why at Sydney Foot Solutions we can correct bunions because we always address the underlying cause first so that we correct the bunion and stop it from coming back. Foot mobilisation is the technique we use and through this method we gently guide the joints back into the correct position and then strengthen the muscles around that joint to reinforce that positive position. As a result your body will actually straighten the bunion through this process in conjunction with the hands on therapy in the clinic.

How to Get Rid of Bunions Naturally

Most people think that surgery is the only treatment when it comes to bunions; however, foot mobilisation is extremely successful in most cases. Foot mobilisation helps to address the underlying cause, correcting the way that someone stands and walks as well as straightening the big toe. Conservative management, such as foot mobilisation, is recommended as early as possible, even if the sufferer feels no pain. Studies tell us that our bodies only feel pain during the last seven to ten per cent of the progression of any condition. As a result, by the time a bunion starts hurting, significant irreversible damage has occurred. The sooner bunion treatment is started, the sooner the underlying cause can be addressed.

Below is an example of a before and after x ray taken of one of  the many sucessful bunion patients that have been treated through foot mobilisation. As can see there is a huge change with the bunion now being straight.



This a before and after x ray measuring the improvement of a patient that has just finished a course of foot mobilisation. As you can see the toe has straightened from 28 degrees to 16 degrees. The great news is that the best is yet to come and we would expect a complete straightening of her bunion.


The above pictures are taken from the below study.

JEDYNAK, T. 2009. Treating hallux abducto valgus conservatively through foot mobilisation techniques and exercise therapy.  A case study. Podiatry Now, October, 12-15.

(Completely straight toe is only 15 degrees).

If you would like to avoid surgery for your bunions we’re offering a free assessment to all Kinetic healthcare patients for the next month. This offer is only valid for the first 10 people to book and for the next month. (you must mention at the time of the booking)

To make a booking call on 8072 7278 or at www.alternativefootsolutions.com.au.