
Sore Feet

Do you struggle with sore feet? Check this out! Hope you are well and coping with lockdown, home schooling and everything else that comes with lockdown!

I wanted to share with you a common patient story I had in the clinic this week. So I had one our great patients in named Paula hobble into the clinic with really sore feet . We’ve had a real spike in general foot pain recently. This is cause everyone’s super tight from more sitting and then walking or running like crazy and not following their usual routine like yoga Pilates etc.

So in Paula’s case we hadn’t seen her for a number of months because she was so busy with home schooling and just out of routine due to lockdown and covid. Her big issue was that she was suffering with foot pain and needed to walk and exercise for her sanity! (which isn’t pleasant with sore feet).

The great thing is that we saw a positive response after just one treatment and she didn’t need to change activity at all.

So, the take away’s here are:

  • Everyone gets busy particularly at the moment and skips appointments for a whole range of reasons.
  • If you have sore feet often they need a grease and oil change so to speak so that you can keep being active
  • If you have done treatment with us before the turn around to get an improvement is often quick

This video is a great warm up routine that only takes 3 minutes to get you ready for exercise please see the link below and is great if you have been sitting a lot and then go and run or walk a lot and help to minimise the risk of injury.

If you are getting pain, please remember that it is always best to get it checked. We are currently open and taking constant precautions to maintain our clinic as a safe environment. Make a booking either at the clinic or online just email us at [email protected] or call 89669300.

Daniel Fitzpatrick

P.S – Feel free to anyone with sore feet.