
Foot Pain

What are the main conditions associated with Foot Pain?

Foot Pain in this area can be due to a number of conditions. These may include:

Metatarsalgia — this is a general term referring to an inflammation around the metatarsal phalangeal joint, which gets a lot of pressure from walking, running or wearing heels. It is usually a result of poor foot alignment and the resulting compensation of tight soft tissues in the area. It is common to see a dropped metatarsal arch associated with this condition, which causes increased more pressure through the area. This also becomes a common area for stress fractures.
Morton’s neuroma or nerve entrapment
Morton’s neuroma or nerve entrapment — a Morton’s neuroma is the most common of the nerve entrapments and occurs between the third and fourth toe. It is caused by a poor gait developed from the misalignment of the foot.

Other nerve entrapments are common because this area receives a lot of pressure from the way the foot is placed on the ground when running or walking. If nerve entrapments are not treated promptly, the nerve can sometimes become permanently inflamed and must be cut out. Immediate treatment is indicated.

Metatarsal bursa
Metatarsal bursa — this is less common than the other conditions, but it can be extremely painful. A bursa is a fluid-filled sack that absorbs pressure. This area of the foot has many airbags that can puff up and become tender unless the underlying cause (usually foot misalignment) is corrected. The bursas usually return to normal unless the treatment has been put off.

Foot Pain Treatment

Our podiatrists have a comprehensive knowledge of foot and ankle biomechanics and can effectively treat a wide range of foot and lower limb injuries including:

Sydney Foot Solutions is a professional podiatry clinic using alternate methods and techniques to heal your body without the use of orthotics. Your practitioner is a qualified podiatrist and uses proven podiatry treatments.

The Three Steps To Curing Your Foot Pain

1. Book your 65% OFF Expert Foot Assessment By One of Our Podiatrists

2. Our foot assessment includes

  • Initial consultation
  • Biomechanical Examination
  • Gait Analysis
  • Diagnosis and Explanation of the underlying cause of your foot problem
  • Your Personalised Treatment Plan

3 .Take charge of your personalised treatment plan

Say goodbye to foot problems, all without the use of orthotics or the need for surgery. Get ready to take action and reclaim your happy feet!

New Patient Special Offer 

65% Off Expert Foot Pain Assessment – Just $40 

Your New Patient Assessment Includes:

  • Initial consultation
  • Biomechanical Examination
  • Gait Analysis
  • Foot Mobilisation Therapy Evaluation
  • Diagnosis and Explanation of the underlying cause of your foot pain
  • Your Personalised Treatment Plan

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Ultimate Guide to Heal Your Heel Pain…