Are bunions genetic? Make sure that you watch this video because I’ll tell you whether or not your bunions are genetic. I’ll give you some great top tips to help with your bunion and I’ll give you a great solution so you can avoid surgery for your bunions.
Are bunions genetic? Yes they are, but bunions are almost like a secondary genetic trait. You don’t come out of the womb and you’re predetermined to have a bunion. What you inherit from your parents is you usually inherit a level of misalignment or what we call subluxation through an area of your foot. Subluxation is a fancy word for bones not in the right place or some level of misalignment and that misalignment or subluxation often affects the way you stand and the way you walk.
A bunion is primarily caused by the way you stand and the way you walk. We see over 100 bunions a week through our clinic and we help treat bunions without surgery. Bunions primarily are a secondary genetic trait and what happens is that this level of misalignment affects the way you stand, the way you walk and causes you to internally rotate. And so what we find in our clinic if you improve the way someone stands, the way they walk, it has an excellent long-term outcome for their bunion.
Now we get our adult foot from around the age of five to seven, depending on how quickly you develop, and this often manifests itself earlier in females than it does in males. So what you want to do is, in males only, because females usually develop faster than males. One might say males never develop, but that’s another story. But what I would say is that we do commonly see that across the board. So as a result of that, just keep that in mind that people seem that to think that you know, a bunion is almost like having brown eyes. It’s not. It’s a secondary genetic trait because of the way you stand and the way you walk. So the good news is, because of that, you can actually do something about it.
The great thing is, that if you improve the way you stand and the way you walk, it will help it long term. And in fact, that’s how we approach our treatment processes. So when people come in, we assess the way they stand and the way they walk. We often send for a weight-bearing x-ray and that allows us to further measure that level of misalignment which you’ve inherited back here, this predisposition. And then we can come up with a plan to actually improve that level of misalignment so it improves the way you stand, the way you walk long term. It’s a very gentle hands-on technique and then we give you exercises to support those changes. In fact, the mobilisations themselves actually only take three to five minutes and the idea is we work with your connective tissue, your nervous system, we turn on your proprioception, which helps to turn on all those tissues and improve that level of alignment. And we can usually help it long term. The problem is if it’s left and you just leave it long term, eventually you are probably going to need surgery in many, many cases. And the downside of that is that you’re going to need surgery for a long time.
That is, that the wear and tear that’s happening underneath the surface that you don’t know about is the concern. In fact, there are very reliable studies that show 70% of the population over the age of 50 in their big toe have osteoarthritis. Now we know statistically that eventually osteoarthritis is going to hurt you. And when it does hurt you, you can’t go back and reverse it. So the idea of our methodology is that we try and get ahead of this before it actually causes a problem and actually causes you any issues.
If you have a bunion and you want to get it checked out, the good news is yes, it is a secondary genetic trait, but there is something you can do about it and your only option is in surgery. This is what we offer: our 60% off initial bunion assessment offer, feel free to click on the link below so you can claim that offer htps://
Once again it’s 60% off, so you can come in and get professional advice by someone who is an expert in bunions. The other thing is, is that we have a great free report; we’ll put that in the link as well, on why you got a bunion and some top tips around avoiding surgery for your bunion