Are bunion operations successful? If you’ve got a bunion make sure you watch this video.
I’m going to talk about what we find the treatment outcomes are of a bunion operation, how successful they are and the feedback we see after people have had a onion surgery. We see over 100 bunions a week we see stacks of them through our clinic. I must confess, we do offer an alternative to surgical intervention with bunions but I’m going to give you a view of my opinion of are bunion surgeries are successful because we see them after the fact and often people can be disappointed with their foot function after a bunion surgery.
Overall if we’re being honest, that bunion surgery is successful if it’s done in the right cases. Bunion surgery should only be used in extreme circumstances and even surgeons will tell people to put off bunion surgery, particularly if they can walk without discomfort. If you’re not having pain, most good surgeons will do their best to avoid bunion surgery. The reality is is that bunions affect 30% of the population, so the reality is is that this is a very very common issue that we do come across. all the time. There’s a time and a place for both conservative management and a time and a place for bunion surgery.
Usually, bunion surgery is reserved for people in significant pain, a massive level of deviation well over 40 or 50 degrees deviated and usually it’s the last resort. What I would say though is that people are disappointed with when it comes to bunion surgery is that they are disappointed that with the recovery time, they don’t realize that it’s probably going to be six to eight weeks off their feet. They don’t realise that the average surgeon in Sydney, usually charges anywhere from 5,000 up to about 9,000 per foot for bunion surgery and we know that because people bring in the quotes from the surgeon; the reality is saying that that the surgeon deserves to charge that absolutely they do whatever they think fit and they do do a great job but the reality is that as one surgeon once told me is that you’ve got to remember that surgery is trauma to somebody’s foot so the recovery time is very, very significant so usually it’s six to eight weeks off your feet and in a boot and then then often it can be six to 12 months before the swelling stops; not to mention the real difficulty is for those people that work, they’re not going to be able to work on their feet. It can be the recovery can be a little bit of a nightmare and also you’ve got to stay off your feet for six to eight weeks so if you’ve got young kids or grandchildren or you you work on your feet for a living the reality is is that bunion surgery isn’t necessarily always the best option because they’re operating on a piece of your body that is on the on the floor basically and you’re standing on it and your big toe takes a lot of force through that area so just keep that in mind.
The good news is if you get onto a bunion early enough, in 90% of cases, you can avoid bunion surgery. That’s what we have found in our experience, and that’s why we see so many bunions. We’re not taking the place of a surgeon; we’re not trying to compete with bunion surgery. But there are lots of people out there who don’t want to consider the bunion surgery because of the significant cost, because of the significant downtime, and they also want to keep function of their big toe. Keep in mind that in bunion surgery, they’re going to be breaking a whole heap of stuff and then repinning it, which is a pretty big deal, and there’s a large recovery associated with that.
The way we would treat a bunion is through a gentle hands-on technique. Where we work on correcting that level of alignment and then we give you exercises to support those changes, so it’s definitely something to consider. We see stacks and stacks of bunions for that reason, and we usually see them before they are are at that stage where we need surgery. If you leave it too long, your only option will be surgery. So make sure you take that into account when you’re assessing your treatment options and treatment outcomes. The reality is that there’s lots of great stuff you can do for a bunion before you need surgical intervention.
Please watch the video where we share two main exercises that may assist with your bunion
We offer a 60% off expert bunion assessment which can be booked in via
Come in and get your bunion checked out and have an expert look at your bunion. Basically, see whether or not you’re feasible for our services and whether you are a candidate to avoid the surgical intervention. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, make sure you check out the offer that is linked here